Friday, December 7, 2007

So - We Meet Again, Matt Freeman

Celebrated upstart and arch-nemesis Matt Freeman is having a birthday today. To celebrate, go see his latest assault on good taste and reason at the Brick - part of the Baby Jesus One-Act Jubilee. (I did one of Matt Freeman's plays at the Brick last summer - in it, I played - Matt Freeman.) It's directed by Kyle Ancowitz, and features Dave Del Grosso as a rabbi (???) and - more plausibly - Matthew Trumbull as a crustacean. Head to the Alligator Lounge afterwards, eat a free pizza and tell Matt he looks good - FOR HIS AGE! AHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!

1 comment:

David D. said...

Look for me to redefine the Rabbi as a role. Look for me to OWN it, you know, like how American troupers used to own roles back in the 19th Century. I will travel with my own trunk full of Rabbi costumes and props.